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Adult Fitness and Strength Training In St. Charles, IL
Fitness classes are a combination of cardio, interval and strength training in a group setting. Each session is 60 minutes long and designed to help push adults harder than they'd push themselves. The workouts are fun, challenging and different all the time. Through guidance and encouragement, our trainers give you the personal attention you need to produce results and help you reach your fitness goals.
Classes include: Boot Camp, Yoga, Zumba, Weight Training and Personal Training.
Call Power Athletics today at (847) 468-4045 for MORE INFORMATION

Power Athletics "Biggest Loser" Weight Loss Challenge
All participants must weigh in prior to start date
Weigh in will take place every 30 days
Winners will be decided on the 30th day
New start dates chosen at the end of each challenge
1st Place $25 Gift Card
2nd Place $10 Gift Card
3rd Place 2 Free Protein Shakes from Power Athletics Nutrition Bar

Power Athletics Inferno
Fitness Challenge
The inferno fitness challenge will test your strength and endurance. This is a circuit based challenge. The competitor with the fastest time will be crowned the champion. Women and Men compete separately. Please call (847) 468-4045 for information on the next challenge and to sign up.
1st Place $25 Gift Card
2nd Place $10 Gift Card
3rd Place 2 Free Protein Shakes from Power Athletics Nutrition Bar